We sent in our nominations to Dzanc today. They are:
"Rats "by Z.Z. Boone - http://smokelong.com/flash/zzboone25.asp
"Me and Theodore Are Trapped in the Trunk of theCar with Rags in Our
Mouths and Tape Around Our Wrists and Ankles,Please Let Us Out." by
Mar......y Hamilton - http://smokelong.com/flash/maryhamilton25.asp
"I Use Commas Like Ninja Stars" by Sam Nam - http://smokelong.com/flash/samnam24.asp
SmokeLong Quarterly is dedicated to bringing the best flash fiction to the web on a quarterly basis, whether written by widely published authors, or those new to the craft. Published since 2003.
http://smokelong.comThis is a public group.
Anyone can see it and join.