thought this might be interesting for this group: the online journal qarrtsiluni is especially looking for multimedia / video art submissions for their upcoming issue "New Classics".
the details are up here, together with a couple of other theme calls:
Thanks for the link, Dorothee. Here's another one:
Here poems and videos meet their match: poems are written for videos, and videos are made and paired with poems. The poems may enhance the videos and the videos may glamorize the poems.
ONandOnScreen is not a site of poets reading their poems on video. Here videos are linked with poems and vice versa.
ONandOnScreen is a conversation between moving words and moving images, on and on.
ONandOnScreen is not accepting submissions, but you can join their fan page at Facebook to hear about calls.
a working, ongoing group devoted to writers reading their own work on video, or doing animation, or doing multimedia of any kind with their own work.
This is a public group.
Anyone can see it and join.