what a great idea, meg, to open fictionaut up to voice! i've followed your own podcasts for a while and i'll be delighted to put up my own little pieces.
i denied myself the use of voice for too long as a means of appreciation and editing support. last night, i read "The Vessel" (just put up here in stories) out loud and almost choked when trying to read lines of a drunk german aristocrat. figures - noblesse oblige.
so glad to be here and looking forward to listening, not just reading!
wonderful! indeed, your voice is wonderful, i have heard it and loved it. It works, it humanizes your work, it rocks!
thank you, meg...happy to give that compliment back! (not without imbibing it first.)
Something I'd like to get into on a few levels. Hope to learn a thing or two here from da mastas!
I am a peon.
a working, ongoing group devoted to writers reading their own work on video, or doing animation, or doing multimedia of any kind with their own work.
This is a public group.
Anyone can see it and join.