Discussion → Define micro-fiction besides the under 200 word count.

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    Gloria Garfunkel
    Jul 29, 04:24pm

    Joseph Young in FRIGG, Spring 2009:

    To be its own genre, microfiction needs to do something that other forms won’t. It needs to use language, description, dialogue, character to tell a story that can’t be told any other way. It’s not just compression, and it’s not just leaving things out, background info on characters or such. Microfiction needs to carve out whole worlds in a space small enough to fit the eye. You look, just once, and there the whole story is, on the page...

    If fiction (e.g., narrative) is time, then microfiction is microtime. But let me caveat. A microfiction can describe the entire life of a character. It can illustrate birth, marriage, death, 80 years of experience. But the amount from that 80 years that actually occurs in microfiction, in microtime, is nearly nothing, a tenth of a second.

    What do people think? What special qualities make the best micro-fiction?

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    John Riley
    Jul 29, 07:26pm

    I have a few pieces I posted here that were published as microfiction. I had no idea there was such a category. I thought they were short flashes. But now I've read this definition I can understand why the editors chose to call them that. They're available on my page if anyone is interested. I should probably mention they started out as poems although I'm not sure that means anything.

  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Jul 29, 08:07pm

    Yes, I think it means a lot that they started off as poems. Much of Lydia Davis's work is a cross between microfiction and prose poetry. The line can get very thin and that makes sense. Feel free to post your microfiction here. They apparently have to be post on your page before you post them in a group anyway.

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