Discussion → Can You Re-cycle A Heart

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    Harris Tobias
    Sep 26, 01:45am

    An environmental love song. If anyone can sing this, I'd love to hear it. Drop me a line.

    Can You Re-cycle a Heart
    by Harris Tobias

    You told me you loved me you said you'd be true
    You'd stand by me through thick and thin
    Next thing you say is it ain't me it's you
    And my heart's in the re-cycling bin

    There’s a bin for plastic and another for glass
    And there’s one for brown paper bags
    You can re-cycle newspapers, iron and brass
    And they’ll happily bundle your rags
    They’ll take your computer
    They’ll take your old car
    And cheerfully take them apart
    But what can you do when your baby leaves you
    Can you re-cycle a heart?

    Can you re-cycle a heart?
    Can you re-cycle a heart?
    A heart isn’t something you
    Toss in a dumpster you
    Don’t put it out to the curb
    A love’s something special
    It’s deep in the flesh it’ll
    Tear you apart with a word
    You can’t take a man
    Throw his love in the can and
    Then walk away from his dream
    You should treat him more gentle
    More environmental
    Not part of the solid waste stream

    There’s a bin for plastic and another for glass...

    Can you re-cycle a heart?
    Can you re-cycle a heart?
    A heart’s something fragile
    It needs to imagine you’ll
    Be someone on whom it depends
    Not tossed in the compost
    Like yesterday’s french toast
    But someone who’s there til the end
    So if my heart’s bent or
    Slightly off center
    That doesn’t mean throw it away
    For time can’t repair
    A heart that’s not there
    And love simply doesn’t decay

    There’s a bin for plastic and another for glass...

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