Discussion → Kaffe in Katmandu is on facebook now.

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Nov 27, 09:49pm

    Yes, we've arrived on <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kaffe-In-Katmandu/224612584276275">Facebook</a>. Like us or love us.

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Dec 28, 04:56pm

    The facebook page and the main page of Kaffe in Katmandu with its almost 1000 articles, stories, poems, posts, reposts etc. gathered in the course of 1 year by me with the help of almost 120 members of the Kaffe (many of which were Fictionaut members also) and almost 600 subscribers of the blog (1,200 followers on Twitter)—all this goodness will remain in place for you to view. Alas, there will be no new posts after 31 December, 2011. I've considered passing the Kaffe on to a new owner but decided against it. Instead, we'll sell the furniture to a monastery in Kathmandu that is also a writer's retreat and a meditation centre. Can never have enough of those...

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