Stories were meant to be heard. Told to small groups around a table or a fire. It is the way tales were told from the beginning of language itself. Now, the internet has made it easy to tell your stories to hundreds, maybe thousands of listeners. People download stories on their mobile devices and listen while driving. You've probably done this yourself. I've been playing with podcasting now for several months. I set up a podcast site where I have several stories of mine and other ATTMP authors posted. We all read each others stuff. There are a couple of really good readers in our group but even an ordinary reader can bring a story to life with a little practice.
You don't need any special equipment. You can call your story in to a site like cinchcast or talkshoe.They make it easy to create a podcast from your phone or your computer's built in mic. I can download the file and post it on my story site along with a link to your book or blog or bio. I have stories from Tom, Monica, Sal, Ken and Jen Knox so far. The stories get posted around the web, people subscribe, etc. It's another way to get your name out there.
My podcast magazine is called Greetings Earthlings and welcomes short fiction of all kinds. You can contact me directly if you need any more information.
A podcast only magazine in which members read and post short stories by themselves and other members. For submission information, contact me via this group or click on this link: is a public group.
Anyone can see it and join.