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woops. the html code didn't work, so here's the link: http://www.3ammagazine.com/3am/crossing-chaos/
Enigmatic Ink is an independent literary press dedicated to publishing avant-garde, experimental or otherwise unique fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and book art with general ideals or aesthetics similar to those found in absurdism, expressionism, futurism, irrealism, magic realism, metaphysics and/or surrealism. Also focusing on postmodern or interstitial forms that challenge the greater imagination with both stylistic innovation and/or conceptually exploratory themes, giving priority to beauty, perplexity and poignancy. Enigmatic Ink's books are richly intelligent and imaginative in their context, and curiously stimulating in the multi-layered subtext and potential interpretations.
This is a niche market press that is unabashed about its preferences and prejudices. We feel that there is a place for writing that is not mere piffle. Currently, we are not accepting manuscripts as we move forward with a new list that is as strong as our existing list. You as a writer would do well to read our titles.
Please do not post any work unless you are already an author with this press. We will not buy your work through this site, and this is more a venue for current authors to share new or already published work. You are, however, free to comment on the posted work and participate on our thread.
We are currently closed to submissions as we prepare intrepid new releases this spring/summer.
You can now follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/EnigmaticInk
http://www.enigmaticink.comThis is a public group.
Anyone can see it and join.