Discussion → New Issue: "Humor" (Volume 33, Issue 2)

  • Cover_thumb.thumb
    Jay Johnson
    Dec 19, 03:54pm

    The new issue of /cream city review/ is set to return from the printer before the first of the year! We'll be shipping out copies to subscribers, libraries and bookshops shortly after. Of course, you can also place an order on our website*.

    This issue is our first non-dedicated theme issue. We have a focus on "humor", but you might find writing that is very unfunny, too. Check out the beautiful cover illustration from our Spring 2009 featured artist, Sheila Alvarado , at the top of the right column.

    (* We're a bit archaic, in that our institution doesn't allow us to sell issues over online, so you do have to download a PDF and mail us a check. Trust us, we're working on it. You can check out our site for updates and excerpts, as well as submit via our workhorse online submission manager.)

    Thanks for reading! And looking forward to comments whenever anyone gets their eyes on an issue.

    Table of Contents

    Glen Holland: Don’t Tag Roberson

    Nichole Maury

    Justin Riley: Interview with Jack Pendarvis

    Jen Bergmark: The Runner
    Susi Wyss: Comfort
    Amber Krieger: Every Stall on 5th Street
    Jenn Scott: Independence, Circa 1999
    Fred Cardin: Mystic

    Daniel Hudon: Instructions on How to Build a Universe
    Jennifer Percy: Gyno Talk
    Colin Rafferty: When I Was Famous
    Andy Elrick: A View to a Kilt

    John Estes: Notes toward an introduction for Charles Simic
    Robbie Q. Telfer: White Men of Mortality Various
    Kristin Engen: On Judging a Seventh Grade Poetry Slam.
    Matt Guenette: The Wicked Witch of the West slips into a dressing room—; —the sultry disco-dancer (General Attributes of the Platypus)
    Susie Swanton: A Small Child
    Lauren Berry: The Sawgrass Women Make Me Nervous; The Just-Bled Girl Refuses To Speak
    Lillian Bertram: I’m Watching Us; when the city was ours, before you left; You are Running Away on a Hot Night
    E. Louise Beach: Divorce, A History; Dybbuk
    Jennifer Perrine: Insects and Dirt
    dawn lonsinger: Bulbs; Median Strip Remains
    Austin Tremblay: The Second Definition of Absence
    Brittany Cavallaro: Superstition Ghazal
    Jeff Alessandrelli: Neighbors
    Phil Keeling: Love Poet Sandwich
    James Capozzi: Houses Virginians Have Loved
    Mark Sullivan: Considering That This Body Is Frail Like a Jar
    Carrie Fountain: Lucky; If Your Mother Was to Tell Your Life Story
    Anhvu Buchanan: delirium; delusional disorder; schizophrenia
    Patrick Moran: Meditation: Butchering
    Pen Pearson: Where
    Daniel Tobin: The Eternities
    Jeanine Walker: Wondering If I Should Have Said What I Said When I Said, “I love you!”
    Sonja Livingston: Año Nuevo
    Byron A. Kanoti: The first man made tool was hardly made at all;
    The first word was not a noun
    Travis Mossotti: Happens Slowly
    Peter Borrebach: Hush

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