Discussion → I would like to thank the Academy...

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Sep 09, 04:46am

    Hopefully, my Zero fave story will finally make it in and stay here, a monument of ... or to ... I dunno.

    Zero favery is not something I can control, but I hate to be excluded. I will faithfully wait until the story has left the first page before I put it in. I promise to honor the code ... really.

    Do I get some kind of ring? Like the Masons? Is there a button? A secret handshake?

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Sep 09, 04:48am

    Is it cheating to request readers not to fave? Will I be expelled for doing so?

    Sheesh, don't want to be drummed out like some kind of ... misfit.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Sep 10, 02:22pm

    Never mind. I was robbed.

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