Forum / A little Used Furniture

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    Chris Tarry
    Dec 08, 12:12am

    I've got a little something over at Used Furniture Review. It's a story. About a guy that works in a mail room.

    Thanks UFR!


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    Brian Mihok
    Dec 08, 03:25am

    Nice job, Chris. Congrats.

    Sometimes I wonder if being published in the same journal somehow binds writers together in ways more substantial than the literal--both names simply printed on the same page.

    Like, maybe lifetimes from now, one writer will be a moth heading towards a lamppost, while the other is the eternally frozen street sign, overlooking the whole debacle.

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    Chris Tarry
    Dec 08, 03:29am

    Thanks, Brian. Nicely put! I appreciate the read. Sometimes I think of Brooklyn as that signpost. Overlooking the whole debacle.

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