ok, so we change the name every day==
we started out as RICK Magazine and then went to ICK Magazine, then some other stuff and now, apparently, we are North America Magazine, which pretty much covers it, i'd say.
welcome to the world of frederick barthelme & enablers, where we engage in anti-branding strategies in an effort to build and sustain readership--
anyway, two things of note:
submissions for the fall issue are still open, on the theme "accommodations."
you can read the call for submissions here:
i am doing this issue with the always entertaining and amazing editor sara lippmann, so send us stuff, we like to read. no promises, but we read everything carefully.
and two: i posted some new content early this morning--ok, so i ranted about glenn beck a little bit, sue me. but i also talk about the wonderful writing of mary gaitskill (whose work we are about to feature at RICK and also right here at FN, on Line Breaks, so stay tuned--like, her actual first ever published story, from an obscure feminist mag in canada in ther 70s---if she has the nerve to go through with it--i've been teasing her about it all week.
anyway, go read the post for today, where i also talk about david shields and Reality Hunger and MLK and the dram speech, and about a dozen other things--so ok, i deliver myself of some chesty opinions.
pls go somment on my post and set me straight. we do enjoy that. i've been wrong so long it seems like right from down here--