Forum / The Result Of High Grade Pharmaceuticals On Nerds

  • Adjani.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Jan 24, 05:42pm

    From Scorched Earth: Beyond the Digital Age to a Post-Capitalist World, by Jonathan Crary: "It is often said that billionaires are not the problem, that they are a secondary symptom of a market economy whose dynamics are not directly administered by anyone. However, even if this can be logically argued, the sociopathy of the global billionaire class (some soon to be trillionaires) produces a range of malignant consequences. A winner-take-all culture is not just incompatible with minimal norms of justice and democracy; it is synonymous with their disappearance. The unregulated, effectively lawless framework of global finance attracts and empowers a new category of criminals and psychopaths, especially now, with fewer or no constraints on the looting of social wealth and natural resources. As a result of this idolization of billionaires in mainstream media, those on the middle rungs of the class hierarchy must, in some way, adapt to this deranged social reality while those at the bottom of the global ladder are subjected to suffering, dispossession, and disposability."

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Jan 25, 07:00pm

    The Part of the Story Where Anything Can Happen

    by Darryl Price

    for Chris Okum

    Some gates have opened that should have remained closed. Some
    gates have closed that should always be free and open
    for all. Things have come through that should have been
    kept out for good reason. Things are now being kept
    out that are necessary to continue to grow as human
    beings into better beings. But the true path remains the
    same central destination. The path of love is love. The
    royal path of love is freedom. Why hide the word?
    They are not coming to heal you. They are not
    coming to feed you. They are not here because they
    care if you live or die. They are here to
    stop you in your tracks. They are wearing Halloween costumes
    of politicians and priests and cops, friends and relatives, but
    the backs of their heads are shaved with hateful words
    of symbolic slaughter and domination. They are not here to
    equally share the world with you. They are not here
    for justice, but the power to control everything and that
    means every one of us. They despise the very air
    that you breathe without paying them something for it. They
    want you for their slaves because they are selfish idiots.
    Why hide the obvious truth? They hurt you because they
    can, because the Dark protects them, because their souls are
    twisted and tightly knotted by a daily rhetoric of blind
    lies and blind obedience to a heartless master. They have
    bargained with Death itself to be its zombie legion of
    followers to the grave. They have sold out brothers and
    sisters, wives and children, all to gain best favor with
    a reserved seat next to the Great and Powerful weapons
    of ultimate war. But, as John Lennon said, there's no
    one you can save who can't be saved. Showing them
    love will not be easy. They are being trained to
    fully detest things like empathy, compassion and mercy. You will
    not see any of these things in their eyes, but
    it's there, as much as it is in everything that
    is alive with atoms. It's there because we are here.
    It's there because we reflect it, even when it is
    hidden within the greedy, deepest depths of their self-pity and
    self-indulgence. They were once children, not enemies of Angels or
    planets, but intuitive partners of curiosity and exploration and free
    expression, play and creative activity. Maybe find a way to
    show them that memory, if we're going to stay alive.

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Jan 25, 10:27pm

    To be perfectly clear, Chris is one of my favorite artists and a friend.

  • Adjani.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Jan 27, 06:29pm

    Good stuff, Darryl. Thanks.

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