Forum / This Is Who Is Now In Charge Of Your Life

  • Adjani.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Nov 13, 05:58pm

    1. Mass Shootings primed the public for familiarity and acceptance of the personality types that are now in control of America.

    2.The Columbine Killers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, fit the psychological profile of the tech oligarchs who are now in charge of the U.S. Government. Or, in other words, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel fit the psychological profile of mass shooters.

    3. Mass shootings are the violent correlative to the Silicon Valley ideology of "move fast and break things." Ideology sans mask. Ideology as concrete and active. Ideology as it plays outside of the world of business.

    4. Mass shootings were the psycho-collective shock events that softened the body politic for Fascism. The idea that young white men could, if they wanted, kill as many people as they pleased in as short amount as time as possible, has been normalized over the last 30 years. And now, because of the American electorate which has installed a white supremacist who is above and beyond the law, young white men will be given free reign to continue their acts of terrorism, only this time with complete impunity and with the stamp of approval of the highest office in the land.

    5. Conversely, what passes for public policy under Trump's Autocratic regime will resemble metaphorical Mass Shootings. They will happen fast, at random, make no sense, and leave those affected numb, traumatized, and completely dissociated from reality.

    6. When the children of members of the bourgeoisie of any advanced industrial society become homicidal and start committing random atrocities against the citizens of said civilization, collapse is imminent. When those children grow up and take control of society, collapse has begun.

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