Forum / Terence McKenna is Dead

  • Angelcity1.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Apr 06, 07:59pm

    "Life is a dream, a dream within a dream, and, as such, everyone I meet in the dream is just another manifestation of myself. All my friends are me, and when they talk to me, they're telling me things about myself I don't know. Yesterday I spoke with one of my oldest friends. He's not doing well. There's a possibility he's dying, as a matter of fact. What does it mean? It means I have to change my life. It means I'm in danger. It means I'm trying to open a potentially eternal line of communication. See, once you understand that all is dream, that everyone is you, and that you're always just talking to yourself, life becomes fascinating, makes you want to decode the distant shrieks from the victims of street crime. Another person's misery is nothing more than a message to be considered now or at a later date in time."

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