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  • Cezarija Abartis
    Aug 02, 06:21pm

    “Snow Bright” & “Eternal City”

    I want to thank reviewers David Ackley, Tina Barry, anr R.K.for reading "Eternal City" back in September 2014!

  • Cezarija Abartis
    Aug 02, 06:23pm

    I'm sorry: I don't know how to get rid of the long and convoluted header! How did I do that?

  • Dscf0571.thumb
    David Ackley
    Aug 03, 01:44am

    Interesting, what does it all mean?

    Anyway congrats, Cezarija.

  • Cezarija Abartis
    Aug 03, 03:11pm

    I think these are all the forums I'm interested in. I think.

  • Tinabarry.thumb
    Tina Barry
    Aug 07, 01:56am

    Hi Cezarija,
    I'm rarely on Fictionaut anymore, but I thought I'd take a peek at the Forums and noticed your post. Thanks for the thanks, and congrats on the wonderful flash pieces. I hope you've been during all this madness. xoTina

  • Cezarija Abartis
    Aug 09, 04:44am

    Thank you, Tina.
    I participate in the workshops on Zoetrope and the Internet Writers Workshop.
    Everything does seem to be slowing down.

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