Forum / August Writing Projects: Folded Word 24/7 + Poetry Postcard Fest

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    Dorothee Lang
    Jul 28, 03:02pm

    There are 2 August writing events coming up: Folded Word will be holding their first writing month event called "24/7". Also, the Poetry Postcard Fest will be on.

    For both events, you can still sign up. Features on both events with description + link, plus other summer writing project (like the weekly flash 52/250) are up here:

    happy summer writing~~
    Dorothee (i recently joined 52/250, and inspired by the first 2 weeks there, now also signed up for 24/7)

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    Susan Gibb
    Jul 29, 08:07am

    Ah, misery loves company! You're the one who got me involved in 52/250 and yes, I signed up for the 24/7 and repaid the favor.

    Seriously, these projects have brought out the best in writers and are really well worth the time and effort involved.

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