Forum / Dave Van Ronk's memoir

  • Blank_sp.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Apr 25, 11:14pm

    The Mayor of MacDougal Street- fun and sometimes hilarious, direct, conversational, flawed, full of stories about the life and times. Perfect weekend reading.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Apr 26, 02:32am

    The man wrote one of my favorite songs, Last Call. Found the lyrics. Still gives me chills, eh? The anthem of the lost nights'a'many'a'man waylaid on the way home from work by thirst:

    And so we’ve had another night
    of poetry and poses,
    and each man knows he’ll be alone
    when the sacred ginmill closes.

    And so we’ll drink the final glass
    each to his joy and sorrow
    and hope the numbing drink will last
    til opening tomorrow.

    And when we stumble back again
    like paralytic dancers
    each knows the question he must ask
    and each man knows the answer.

    And so we’ll drink the final drink
    that cuts the brain in sections
    where answers do not signify
    and there aren’t any questions.

    I broke my heart the other day.
    It will mend again tomorrow.
    If I’d been drunk when I was born
    I’d be ignorant of sorrow.

    And so we’ll drink the final toast
    that never can be spoken:
    Here’s to the heart that is wise enough
    to know when it’s better off broken.

    Here it is in his voice, haunting and wild in its way:

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Apr 26, 03:30am

    I'd like to read that.

    I had a DVR cassette 837 years ago, the first time I heard this song:

    He just killed it (but it's not on utoob).

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Apr 26, 05:15am
  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Apr 26, 03:57pm

    Van Ronk on Dylan & HOTRS:

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