Forum / One reason its hard to make a living writing.

  • Dscf0571.thumb
    David Ackley
    Apr 24, 06:23pm

    I just bought Shakespeare's complete works for my kindle for 99 cents.

  • Angelcity1.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Apr 24, 06:27pm

    This world is a racket. No one makes any money, yet someone is making a lot of money.

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Apr 24, 06:58pm

    "its hard to make a living writing"

    How can that be true when so many people here list their occupation as "writer/editor"?


  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Apr 24, 08:48pm

    ...because, obviously, anyone who lists their occupation as writer/editor/author/memoirist/etc., is making AT LEAST $30-$50,000 a year from their writing alone.

    Or else they wouldn't identify as such.

  • Dscf0571.thumb
    David Ackley
    Apr 24, 09:12pm

    My dodge is "writer/teacher," which is only half a stretch since I got paid to teach. Why someone would get paid to teach writing who couldn't get paid for writing is a good question though.

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Apr 24, 09:19pm

    You get a pass because of "teacher."


    (and, for the record, you can write...)

    But I agree, it's not like the old days when to get something to read you had to pay, SOMEONE was making a buck or two, even if it was the used-book store owner (bless their hearts) or the liberry.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Apr 24, 09:20pm

    Emily Dickinson never made a living writing in her lifetime. Was she not a poet? Not according to the dictum of Mr. Dennison, who, by the way, is not Zlatko Buric.

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Apr 24, 09:26pm

    "Emily Dickinson never made a living writing in her lifetime. Was she not a poet?"

    It's what she did, it's what she was, it's what occupied her time/life/soul, but, as you say, it's not what paid her bills.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Apr 25, 02:56am

    "The ear is the only true writer and the only true reader." Robert Frost

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