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  • 013.thumb
    Lena Vanelslander
    Apr 17, 04:32pm

    If you search for 'lena vanelslander' on the internet, this is one of the results: where there would be published a story of mine under the form of a pdf. I'm not saying immediately I like/dislike it, but can they do that?

    Hope everyone's doing good over here!

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Apr 18, 12:49pm

    Lena, Hi.

    It probably depends on what copyright notice you put on the piece when it was published on fictionaut.

    No, they can't do it ethically, but many people do when they find work they like published under creative commons. As long as they leave the attribution, they feel they have met the criteria for sharing.

    You can always ask any directory who uses your work without your express permission to remove it. If the work was published under creative commons share and it has the link to your work and is published under your name and is free and not being sold, you may decide it is a good form of advertising for your work and your name.

    Once any work is in the digital sphere, it cannot be unpublished with any degree of certainty. Keeping your net published work under your own management can be a full-time job, especially if your work is well liked by the community who share.


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