Forum / January 2014 issue of the Blue Five Notebook...

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Jan 15, 03:05pm

    New from Blue Fifth Review...

    The January 2014 issue features new work by Lilla Dent, Chris Galvin, Hedy Habra, Joseph Mills, Scott Owens, and Rita Quillen


    Sam Rasnake & Michelle Elvy

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Jan 15, 04:56pm

    Another great issue. I have a favorite, actually, more than one, but I would never say which. It's all personal and I wouldn't want to diminish the favorites of other readers.

    Really, really fine work--a pleasing habit of yours.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Jan 16, 04:36am

    Thanks for the read and good words, Barry. Glad you enjoyed the issue.

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