Forum / RUN D M C

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Dec 09, 06:08pm
  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Dec 09, 06:15pm

    Funny and true, sad and on the money. But I think the point is every success makes you a target.This could be said about any talent you have, but it should only give you pause long enough to laugh it off and continue on with your work.

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    David Ackley
    Dec 09, 07:20pm

    The remarkable thing is that the most vitriolic comments came at the expense of successful writers by others who were themselves successful. Which suggests the truth of Rochefoucauld's aphorism: " It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail."

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Dec 09, 07:34pm

    Maybe the best measure of success is a host of enemies. To be sure, untouchable success comes from ignoring them all.

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