Forum / DP shows us the inner workings

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Oct 15, 07:44pm

    Follow the link below and read thoughts from Darryl Price such as this:

    "Now since I’m saving things, I make the choice for kindness, for compassion: Save all hearts from beginning to break again. Please."

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    Gary Hardaway
    Oct 15, 09:50pm

    Thanks, Sheldon, for the link.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Oct 16, 04:27am


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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Oct 16, 05:21am

    I love this poem by Darryl. It's exceptional.

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Oct 16, 02:29pm

    Glad ya'll enjoyed this as much as I did.

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    Marcus Speh
    Oct 17, 08:07am

    Thank you for this, dp. For some reason, I especially liked your suggestion "save your wild goodbyes." Perhaps because yet another year comes to a close and says goodbye, another year once again not like every other year, rushing by faster, a year filled with "naked air," as you say so well, and I will take care to say goodbye to it with some Neruda. Some people talk a lot about the Savior, but perhaps, as you infer, saving something, if not someone, or at least "every word" is everyone's job. Nobody could accuse you of being cynical. In fact, I've come to think of you as being an anti-cynical particle of poetry at the very least. On a more practical note, I really enjoyed reading how this particular poem came about. I don't always feel I need this type of back story, but you tell it very well and it's worth saving. —Cheers from Berlin!

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    Marcus Speh
    Oct 17, 08:07am

    & thanks Shel for posting.

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Oct 17, 04:50pm

    My pleasure, Marcus.

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