Forum / For those who don't subscribe to Duotrope's Digest

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    mxi wodd
    Sep 01, 04:15pm

    Here's list of mags that just opened to submissions:

    1. Gulf Stream
    2. Hopkins Review, The
    3. Kweli Journal
    4. Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale Magazine
    5. Licking River Review
    6. Nashville Review
    7. Barely South Review
    8. Bete Noire
    9. Assaracus
    10. Bruised Peach Press, The
    11. Catfish Creek: An Undergraduate Literary Journal
    12. OSA Enizagam
    13. Essays & Fictions
    14. Quotable, The
    15. Generations Literary Magazine
    16. Scissors & Spackle
    17. TINGE Magazine
    18. Poecology
    19. Fox Cry Review
    20. Alabama Literary Review
    21. Huizache
    22. RiverLit
    23. Cumberland River Review, The
    24. Nassau Review, The
    25. Apeiron Review
    26. Rampallian, The
    27. Heron Tree
    28. Flights
    29. Backbone Poetry Journal
    30. Spark: A Creative Anthology
    31. Redux
    32. Brunel University African Poetry Prize, The
    33. Portmanteau
    34. Hub City Press
    35. Lakeview Int'l Journal of Literature and Arts
    36. Jamais Vu
    37. Gettysburg Review, The
    38. Ideomancer
    39. Pedestal Magazine, The
    40. AGNI
    41. Iowa Review, The
    42. Southern Review, The
    43. Hotel Amerika
    44. Saint Ann's Review / tsarina
    45. Tampa Review
    46. Grain Magazine
    47. Antioch Review
    48. New England Review
    49. Sewanee Review
    50. Folio
    51. Prairie Schooner
    52. Halfway Down the Stairs
    53. Potomac Review
    54. Fugue
    55. Texas Review, The
    56. Subtropics
    57. Ninth Letter
    58. Literary Review, The
    59. Gulf Coast
    60. Callaloo
    61. Southern Indiana Review
    62. Willow Springs
    63. Clackamas Literary Review
    64. Fourteen Hills
    65. Passages North
    66. Descant (USA)
    67. Bryant Literary Review
    68. North American Review
    69. Southwest Review
    70. Notre Dame Review
    71. Permafrost
    72. Idaho Review, The
    73. Laurel Review, The
    74. Evansville Review, The
    75. Blue Mesa Review
    76. Roanoke Review, The
    77. Arsenic Lobster Poetry Journal
    78. Georgetown Review
    79. Salamander
    80. Spork Press
    81. Connecticut Review
    82. Green Mountains Review
    83. Binnacle, The
    84. Pebble Lake Review
    85. William and Mary Review, The
    86. Konundrum Engine Literary Review
    87. Saranac Review
    88. jubilat
    89. Blood Orange Review
    90. Free Verse: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry
    91. Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment
    92. International Poetry Review
    93. Seneca Review
    95. Shearsman
    96. Brilliant Corners
    97. Tiferet Journal
    98. Blue Earth Review
    99. Brooklyn Review
    100. Bayou Magazine
    101. Red Rock Review
    102. foam:e
    103. Arc Poetry Magazine
    104. Willow Review
    105. Flutter Poetry Journal
    106. Epiphany: A Literary Journal
    107. Meadow, The
    108. Tiger's Eye
    109. Rip Rap
    110. Healing Muse, The
    111. VoiceCatcher
    112. Spout Magazine
    113. Bare Root Review
    114. NEO
    115. Glass: A Journal of Poetry
    116. Drash
    117. St. Petersburg Review
    118. Normal School, The
    119. VOLT
    120. Superstition Review
    121. Weave Magazine
    122. Sierra Nevada Review
    123. Broken Plate, The
    124. Shock Totem
    125. Hollins Critic, The
    126. Ozone Park
    127. Obsidian: Literature in the African Diaspora
    128. Pitt Poetry Series
    129. Booth
    130. Southampton Review, The
    131. Getting Something Read (GSR)
    132. Collective Fallout
    133. Wag's Revue
    134. Nude Bruce Review
    135. Sugar Mule
    136. Don't Just Sit There
    137. Columbia College Literary Review
    138. Hamilton Stone Review, The
    139. Cactus Heart
    140. Sweatshoppe Publications
    141. Kugelmass

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    Ann Bogle
    Sep 01, 04:36pm

    No shortage of opportunity, I see! Thanks for providing this list.

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    Matthew Robinson
    Sep 01, 06:04pm

    Thank you!

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Sep 01, 06:35pm

    Quite a list. Thanks.

  • Cezarija Abartis
    Sep 02, 05:23pm

    Thank you for the list!

  • 62698557287.thumb
    Matthew Robinson
    Sep 02, 09:22pm

    Anybody know if Gulf Stream is a paying market?

  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Sep 02, 09:45pm


    (as in it is)

  • 62698557287.thumb
    Matthew Robinson
    Sep 02, 09:49pm

    thank ye

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    James Claffey
    Sep 02, 11:06pm

    Holy crap! Better get submitting...

  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Sep 02, 11:15pm


    for the record these are primarily poetry markets.


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