Forum / Pia in OA

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Aug 30, 03:11pm

    Pia Z. Ehrhardt has a wonderful, poignant story in the new Oxford American, "The Owls of Solomon Place". I highly recommend you run right out and buy it if you don't already subscribe.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Aug 30, 03:17pm
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    Carol Reid
    Aug 30, 03:50pm

    I will! Love Oxford American and I'm very quickly becoming a Pia fan.

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    James Claffey
    Aug 30, 03:55pm

    Subscribed a few weeks ago!

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Aug 30, 04:06pm

    I've subscribed for years. It never disappoints. Y'all are going to love it.

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    Ann Bogle
    Aug 31, 04:32am

    Great! I love that piece. I even taught it to a genius kid I tutored in fiction and poetry last summer.

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    Pia Ehrhardt
    Aug 31, 04:02pm

    Charlotte, thank you for starting this thread, and thank you to everyone who responded! I first posted pieces of the essay on Fictionaut, so y'all are implicated, like it or not.

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    David Ackley
    Aug 31, 05:35pm

    I remember those owls. Great news, Pia.

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