Forum / Book of Short Stories?

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 18, 02:49pm

    Hi there.

    I am trying to arrange my stories into a book length manuscript. I have no idea what I'm doing.

    I have mostly flash fiction (under 1,000 words), a couple of longer stories (none over 2,500 words), and some micro-fiction, which I'm defining as under about 250 words, I guess.

    Almost all of the stories have been previously published. I was thinking I could divide it into the three sections, flash, micro, and short stories. Tentative title Coffee House Lies: Dark Roast (Very) Short Stories.

    An agent who seems pretty good (based on someone else I know who is with that agency) approached me about a year ago and now that I have something to send her, I thought I'd start there. But yeah, I know how it goes with books of stories by unknowns and don't expect much...

    Anyway, I would muchly appreciate any and all advice, opinions, and thoughts. :)

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Jun 18, 06:49pm

    There was a nice long forum thread early in 2010 at Fictionaut. I initiated the thread and asked how others had ordered their stories in collections. Participants included Matt Potter, Susan Tepper, and several others--quite an amazing discussion resulted. The forum is searchable at Google. I tried to locate it for you but did not succeed. If you try, be sure to go into the pages that were archived more than two years ago. I think it was early 2010. Good will and good luck!

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 18, 11:17pm

    Thanks, Ann. I couldn't find it. :(

    Can anyone find it? :)

  • White.thumb
    Henry Standing Bear
    Jun 26, 05:03pm

    Couldn't find it, Carley. I'd perhaps arrange the stories based on subject matter and theme and guts and heart rather than the length. Readers respond to those things, I believe, more than anything else anyway.

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 27, 11:03am

    Thank you, Sheldon.

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