Forum / Physical disability and fiction

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    Ann Bogle
    Jun 18, 11:46am

    If you live with a physical disability, not considered to be a mental disability, and you have written short fiction about it, please consider submitting your work to Mike Northen, editor of Wordgathering. Northen and Sheila Black, co-editor of Beauty is a Verb, a physical disabilities poetics anthology, are co-editing a fiction companion volume. Of course, they want to include great writing, so send your best.

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    Ann Bogle
    Jun 20, 04:30am
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    Elizabeth Kate Switaj
    Jun 20, 08:40pm

    Ann, do you know why they are excluding mental disabilities?

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    Ann Bogle
    Jun 21, 12:46am

    It was never explained, Elizabeth. Ron Silliman wrote about it in his perceptive review on Ron Silliman's Blog.

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    Ann Bogle
    Jul 09, 05:10am

    I have learned from the Editors that the next volume of Beauty is a Verb, fiction focus, will contain a section that will concern mind and body. The Editors have chosen most of the material -- fiction emphasis -- they plan to include. It promises to be a valuable anthology.

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