Forum / At BLOOM - by Lillian Ann Slugocki

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    Meg Pokrass
    Jun 17, 09:59pm

    Thank you to Fictionaut's strikingly gifted Lillian Ann Slugocki and to editor, Sonya Chung.

    Bloom is a great new magazine, founded by Sonya Chung, profiling writers who begin professionally publishing after the age of 40.

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    David James
    Jun 17, 11:23pm

    This is a fine recognition of not just what you write, but praise, too, for the unique, fearless ways you use words in what you write.

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    Lillian Ann Slugocki
    Jun 17, 11:54pm

    As the author of this essay about Meg, I agree :) and support your comment 100%.

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    Ann Bogle
    Jun 18, 10:45am

    Gives cheer up and down along my spine!

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    Ann Bogle
    Jun 18, 10:53am

    Annis Pratt was my professor in two courses at Wisconsin: Advanced Poetry, Performance Emphasis and Virginia Woolf. That sends another cheer coursing to my feet. Annis graded my poetry A+ and my papers A and even one A+. A+ was not transferrable to the Madison transcript, however, as higher-than-A is at Stanford.

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    Ann Bogle
    Jun 18, 11:19am

    This review of Meg Pokrass' body of work is utterly smart. An entire short story, such as "Summer Cottage," can fit in the space of a customary clip or quotation that ordinarily can be understood only in part. Brilliant application of scholarship.

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    John Riley
    Jun 18, 12:04pm

    Opened my eyes up to facets of Meg's work I had never seen or thought of before. As Ann says, a brilliant application of scholarship.

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    Sam Rasnake
    Jun 18, 12:40pm

    Marvelous. Enjoyed this review.

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    Lillian Ann Slugocki
    Jun 18, 01:18pm

    thanks to Meg for posting this in the Forum and thanks to Ann and John and Sam for posting their comments. Annis Pratt is my IDOL, Ann, so lucky you studied with her---

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    Deborah Oster Pannell
    Jun 18, 07:57pm

    Ann, I agree with your comment - it is indeed a brilliant application of scholarship. Striking choice of subject...

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    Meg Pokrass
    Jun 18, 09:18pm

    thank you guys very much. I love the Bloom site! Lillian wrote this so well! I have a new feeling about myself as a writing laughing feminist hussy!

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