Forum / East Village writing group - new members wanted

  • Christopher J. Yates
    Jun 05, 04:38pm

    We are a very tiny writing group in the East Village who used to be three and are now down to two.

    Basically, we meet on a very loose and flexible basis every few or several weeks (weekday afternoons, around 3pm generally), somewhere in the East Village to discuss each other's writing. (Fiction and short stories.) As simple as that.

    We'd love to find another member or two. There are no real requirements: flexibility would be useful (flexible regarding time rather than body, although our departed* member was in fact a yoga instructor). An ability to talk about other people's work in a constructive manner and to gratefully receive constructive help/criticism would obviously be inordinately helpful.

    * departed for Austin, Texas, thankfully. Not Heaven, Sky.

    We've both published various things ourselves -- although being published is in NO WAY a requirement. And we would probably both describe the work we bring to the group as vaguely literary, but this is not to say we wouldn't welcome someone to the group who doesn't produce exactly the same sort of work as us.

    Please send me a message of you're interested. I will probably ask to see a small sample but only to check that we'd all be compatible.

    And bear in mind -- being part of a writing group is a great motivational tool. Even a small droplet of weak peer pressure to create in time for a loose meeting can sometimes have a wonderful effect on production.

    And please, if you know of anyone outside of Fictionaut who might be interested, please do pass this on.

    Look forward to welcoming some new members.

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