Forum / Zero Fav Group

  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Apr 04, 07:47pm

    Walter Bjorkman started the Zero Fav group around Jan 2010. The group 10+ Favs had been out for a while and inspired him to start 0. It was both serious and a spoof - the fave system has nothing inherently wrong with it, comparative to a "like" on FB, but just like those, at times it can become a you prop me & I'll prop you back thing. He didn’t think it had anything to do with the writing itself and would have no effect on it. He thought 0 favs could mean many things - the piece was posted at a time of a rapid pace time and passed by the front page when people who don't know the author were all posting; it truly could be a bad piece of writing; the author may not be known by many that were on at that time, due to not having read & commented on many stories. It was meant to encourage people who might feel discouraged by no faves. It gives people a chance to have a second look at stories that might otherwise be ignored.
    I am the new co-administrator of the group and encourage you to take all those zeroes out of the attic and post them.

  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Apr 04, 08:48pm

    Group is on page 6 of "Newest Groups"

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