Forum / Awkword FAQ

  • Apc_logo_02.thumb
    Mar 15, 12:13pm

    FAQ: So what does Awkword Paper Cut offer that isn't already done?

    Answer: What does one book, one song, one film, one story do that another one does not? Too often, the answer is nothing. Awkword Paper Cut is about inspiring writers, artists, musicians, filmmakers etc., to go deeper, farther; fearlessly ignoring the rules set by the status quo; trusting your gut and taking a leap of faith and believing with everything you have that you can fly...and so you will. Then, we want to take the audience with us...into the story. Sounds crazy, right? That's me. That's where I should we all.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Mar 15, 09:50pm

    'S no crazy, lad. Looking farrrw'rd tooit'all, 'n maybe eyv'n participatin'.

    (Dialect courtesy Guinness, ay? 'N I'm nuh'talkin' abow th'boook'a'records.)

  • Apc_logo_02.thumb
    Mar 15, 11:48pm

    Ha ha. Cheers, JLD!

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