Forum / CPR increases its annual Editor's Favorite Award

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Nov 25, 03:38pm

    In honor of all the wonderful writing we are publishing, CPR is increasing its annual Editor's Favorite award to $1000. Hard choices, all...

    Keep 'em coming.

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    David Ackley
    Nov 25, 04:09pm

    Thanks, Barry. Your support for your writers is a joy to experience and behold.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Nov 25, 04:13pm

    I love it when you guys lay down the money while so many just smile and say thank you... and even more are asking to be paid just to look at our stuff.

    No greater boost to the art than genuine value. No greater patrons than those who are willing to do more than just talk.

    May you prosper always.

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