Forum / view count on unpublished pieces

  • Img_0592.thumb
    James Claffey
    Sep 25, 04:05pm

    How is it that the "viewed" count on my unpublished pieces is up to double digits in some cases? Can other people with admin privileges read unpublished/private posts? Just wondering...

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Sep 25, 04:53pm

    If people are web-searching your name, pieces set to private still come up for a week or more until the next Google "crawl."

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Sep 25, 05:04pm

    And I guess it must be true for "unpublished" pieces as well, having had one get 31 views and a fave(!)

    (though I might have published it for maybe two minutes or so just as "the crawl" was taking place, I can't remember.)

  • Img_0592.thumb
    James Claffey
    Sep 25, 06:06pm

    doesn't make sense, i've a piece called "my own personal birdcage" unpublished, and it has six views, and when i google the title nothing appears. all very mystifying.

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Sep 25, 06:14pm

    long shot...

    could those "views" be from you going back and working on the piece?

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    James Claffey
    Sep 25, 06:20pm

    good point, but i think you can only log one view once you're logged in?

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    Matthew Robinson
    Sep 26, 05:35am

    Do you use multiple computers? Do you always turn your computer off? WHen I use a different comp (between my home and three jobs I use maybe 7 different computers a week) and work on an unpublished draft on F'naut, I sometimes give myself a "view."

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Sep 26, 07:16pm

    There are no private posts on the main wall, James. Anyone with Internet access can read those pieces. You don't have to be a memeber of FN to read the pieces on the main wall.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Sep 26, 07:18pm

    I misread. If you've set a piece to private, no one can access it. If it was public and then set to private - there's a window of time that allows access.

  • Yankee.thumb
    Carson Baker
    Sep 27, 03:50am

    Matt has it. It's possible to increment the view count on unpublished stories by logging into your account and viewing your story on a different computer (really just by using a different IP address).

    This is an edge case bug that will be fixed soon.

    Thanks for the heads up on this. Sorry for the confusion.

  • Img_0592.thumb
    James Claffey
    Sep 27, 02:26pm

    thanks everyone, and to carson for fixing the issue. i thought the gremlins were reading my private stories!

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