How is it that the "viewed" count on my unpublished pieces is up to double digits in some cases? Can other people with admin privileges read unpublished/private posts? Just wondering...
If people are web-searching your name, pieces set to private still come up for a week or more until the next Google "crawl."
And I guess it must be true for "unpublished" pieces as well, having had one get 31 views and a fave(!)
(though I might have published it for maybe two minutes or so just as "the crawl" was taking place, I can't remember.)
doesn't make sense, i've a piece called "my own personal birdcage" unpublished, and it has six views, and when i google the title nothing appears. all very mystifying.
long shot...
could those "views" be from you going back and working on the piece?
good point, but i think you can only log one view once you're logged in?
Do you use multiple computers? Do you always turn your computer off? WHen I use a different comp (between my home and three jobs I use maybe 7 different computers a week) and work on an unpublished draft on F'naut, I sometimes give myself a "view."
There are no private posts on the main wall, James. Anyone with Internet access can read those pieces. You don't have to be a memeber of FN to read the pieces on the main wall.
I misread. If you've set a piece to private, no one can access it. If it was public and then set to private - there's a window of time that allows access.
Matt has it. It's possible to increment the view count on unpublished stories by logging into your account and viewing your story on a different computer (really just by using a different IP address).
This is an edge case bug that will be fixed soon.
Thanks for the heads up on this. Sorry for the confusion.
thanks everyone, and to carson for fixing the issue. i thought the gremlins were reading my private stories!