Forum / New at Six Questions For. . .!

  • Jimharrington.thumb
    Jim Harrington
    Sep 22, 06:19pm

    I’m sure some of you have been sitting in front of you computer, or TV, or in a bar, or on your patio sipping a nice Merlot and watching the sunset wondering where I’ve been. Okay, probably not, but I’ll tell you anyway.

    Six Questions for has always had one big flaw (well, probably more than one). It’s been impossible to narrow down a search of the publications by genre. Not anymore!

    If you scroll down the right column under Followers, you’ll see a new heading called Pages. Under this you’ll notice subheadings for Genre A-G, Genre H-N, etc. Clicking on one of these will take you to a page listing the appropriate genres with titles bulleted underneath.

    I hope you find this helpful.

    The Management

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