Forum / Origami Poems Project gives away free books

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Aug 22, 03:11pm

    My microchap, containing six little stories is available there. Happy to be among some very gifted writers. However, being mechanically challenged, I had to view the instructions several times to get one folded correctly. Now that I've got that worked out, though, I'm building a nifty microlibrary.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Aug 22, 04:48pm
  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Aug 22, 04:50pm

    Fascinating idea.

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Aug 22, 06:11pm

    Yes, they've taken the old broadside idea to a new level and seem to be having a great time with it. Quick replies and fun editors to work with.

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Aug 25, 07:31pm

    Just got my free packet of microchaps from these nice, poetry-dedicated folks:

    15 copies of "Lovesick" and a variety of 10 other microchaps selected from their archives. Think I'll try to recycle them later in our local coffeehouse.

    I'm delighted and I hope some of you great poets here send a bit of your fine work to the Origami Poems Project at

    You won't be sorry.

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