Forum / Contacts

  • Pub%20bio%20pic.thumb
    Cherise Wolas
    Apr 22, 10:46pm

    Stupid question, I am sure, but how do you make someone a contact?

  • Flawntnewsmall.thumb
    Finnegan Flawnt
    Apr 23, 02:54am

    when you go to anyone's profile, you should see the "follow so and so" button below the profile picture. just click it. do it now. go flawnt. and welcome! looking forward to reading your stuff!

  • Pub%20bio%20pic.thumb
    Cherise Wolas
    Apr 23, 04:05am

    Finnegan, Thanks so much. After I posted my question, I figured it out. So easy! Thanks for the welcome. I look forward to your comments, and to reading your stuff as well!

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