Help a newbie, please.
I have a couple pieces I'd like to post here that were recently published (April).
Kosher or not to put them up here so fast?
I don't want to irritate those esteemed and very, very, very kind, magnanimous, darling, cute, Hot, crazy-intelligent, haute-couture wearing FEs out there who accepted my work. (very new to subbing. The nos out weight the yes to infinity)
This is a popular place and I'm damn sure they'd find out. Or maybe I'm suffering from some kind of delusional egomania that they'd care.
Seriously. I'd appreciate your feedback.
Flattery footnote: All of you here ditto the description I gave the FEs(fiction editors).
Lucinda, in my experience there are roughly two types of editors' styles in caring. The first type of caring is for the work: Is it good? If so, the editors want people to see it. Just give them attribution and link to the publication. There are editors who FIND the work at Fictionaut THEN publish it in their magazines, and they do not seem to mind if it stays here or comes down. The other style of caring is also for the work, but in a different way: for the work of the magazine as a whole and not just for the author's part in it. The strictest editors want first appearance rights and for the work to stay on their site alone, at least for a suitable length of time, several months? A year? Half a year? Sometimes editors state in a contract what they expect. It's the difference between rather "open" and rather "closed." Rather inclusive? Rather exclusive. I'm referring to publishing styles not styles in writing.
Thank you, Ann. You are a font of information with a very subtle delivery.
First appearance rights should be gently tread around.