Forum / KINO and BAD MARIE in Berlin

  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Jun 01, 09:29am

    For those of you of the European persuasion, Marcy and I will be reading from BAD MARIE and KINO respectively in Berlin next week. We'd love to see you there!

    St Gaudy Cafe
    “Rage Into the Night” with Marcy Dermansky and Daniela Dröscher
    Gaudystr. 1, Berlin 10437
    June 7, 8pm

    Shakespeare & Sons Bookstore
    with Marcy Dermansky
    Raumerstr. 36, Berlin 10437
    June 8, 7:30pm

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Jun 01, 11:00am

    Fantastic, fantastisch, I'll be there, ich werde da sein!

  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Jun 01, 11:47am

    Super duper, it'll be great to finally meet in person, Marcus! Ich freue mich.

  • Mia_avramut.thumb
    Mia Avramut
    Jun 05, 08:25pm

    Wish I could be there. On the bright side, I will be there for the next reading, since it looks like I'm returning to the "European persuasion", and quite a German one :)..
    Viel Glück!!

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