Forum / Make A Wish at PANK and Maybe Win Three Excellent Novels FREE

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    Ethel Rohan
    Apr 04, 11:16pm

    My brief response to Laura Ellen Scott's fantastical debut novel, Death Wishing, is live at PANK:

    The post also includes an exciting FREE FOUR BOOK Giveaway. All you have to do is share your deepest wish. Imagine, as in Death Wishing, your dying wish could come true. What would you wish for? Tell us in the comments at PANK and you could win the following books:

    Death Wishing (signed), novel by Laura Ellen Scott
    The Curfew, novel by Jesse Ball
    Echolocation, novel by Myfanwy Collins
    Hard to Say (signed), stories by Ethel Rohan

    Laura Ellen Scott will choose the winning wish. Entries close this Friday, April 6th, at NOON, PST. Winner will be announced soon thereafter.

    Bonne Chance!

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    Susan Tepper
    Apr 04, 11:47pm

    Ethel, this is great! Thanks for posting and want to say how much I enjoyed your book!

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