...to be found on the Fictionaut at any given time is just outstanding to me. It's tremendously inspiring. I'm still reading Susan Tepper's lovely book over and over again and Bill Yarrow's highly original poetry book just knocks me out, still waiting for Jane's new one, but her stuff is well worth it. This stuff is so very good it makes the world seem altogether worth the journey. My only complaint is both of these above works I mentioned I think deserve the deluxe treatment. Susan's should come in a lovely tissue box of some sort. a bound and woven and painted box, printed on the best stationary the world has to offer, and Bill's should be illustrated on every page by some genius type artist--to match Bill's own masterful mind at work.Also the ink is too damned light for my taste to match the power of his incredibly right words. Make it bold I say.Bring it full bodied into the world!Don't be afraid to give the ink its own life. Bill did. Susan did.And we're all the better for it.Just saying.
just saw this sweet posting by DP and wanted to thank him. wish my book could arrive swathed in tissue paper or a special box. that would be a cool way to present books. btw, i have bill yarrow's big book and it is terrific.
Thank you, Darryl and Susan, for your kind words. There's so much talent at Fictionaut, so many worthwhile books competing for our attention. It's overwhelming sometimes! Plethora of goodness!
Even if you've mentioned your recent or upcoming publication (be it online journal, print journal, anthology, chapbook, ebook, print book, CD, or anything else) in this forum, please also mention it in the 2012 Publications group. That way there will be an easy way for someone to search for, find, and maybe even acquire any of the current publications of Fictionauts. The 2012 Publications group is public--please join!
(There's also a 2011 Publications group for work that came out last year.)