Forum / Front Page - Explained

  • Richter.thumb
    Feb 26, 06:55pm

    Hi Fictionaut Cohorts:

    It's come to my attention that not everyone knows what Front Page is or where they can find it.

    Here's the lowdown:

    Front Page is a monthly blog post where members can share their news and related links - recently published stories, upcoming books, readings etc. You can find it in/at Fictionaut Blog.

    Please send all your news to or message me here.


  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Feb 28, 12:23pm

    I can only second this -- please make sure to send your news to Marcelle so she can include it in her excellent monthly roundups! Here's the February entry:

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Feb 28, 12:37pm

    I really do like the integration of the blog in the site, btw, good move. I also like the Front Page and I like Marcelle and the monthly love fest she organizes so expertly. Thank you, Ms Heath.

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