Forum / Help! FN won't let me delete my own stories!

  • Img_0654-2.thumb
    MaryAnne Kolton
    Feb 16, 05:59am

    I am unable to delete any of my own work, private or public - is anyone else having this problem? Carson? Jürgen?

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Feb 16, 06:41am

    Hmmm. Doesn't work for me either.

    Nor can I delete old messages.

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Feb 16, 06:42am

    (all your stories are belong to us)

  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Feb 16, 09:25am

    Hey guys,
    we're aware of this brand-new glitch & working on it. In the meantime, you can work around it and make unwanted stories disappear by setting them as private. We're hoping to have this fixed soon!

  • Img_0654-2.thumb
    MaryAnne Kolton
    Feb 17, 05:02pm

    Jürgen, Thank you for your immediate attention to this minor problem, O Mighty Master of the
    'Naut. This is why you remain at the helm.

    Thanks much Jürgen.

  • Jolly%20roger.thumb
    Michael Gillan Maxwell
    Feb 22, 04:29am

    OK - whew - glad to find that I wasn't the only one having this problem, as I look at some of my stories and wonder:"What was I thinking?" or accidentally post it in duplicate because of my sausage fingers! ;-) Thank you for helping to keep the cyber streets safe to walk on!

  • Yankee.thumb
    Carson Baker
    Feb 22, 07:52am

    Oops. I'm very sorry about this guys! I think this bug should be fixed now, but please email me or Jürgen if you notice anything else that's wonky.

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Feb 22, 02:54pm

    Thanks, Carson I was able to clean up some stuff last night because of this fix.

    (From a visual standpoint, however, the "Delete" box in the comments overpowers the comments the sword of Damocles, hanging by a thread.)

    ((couldn't find your email))

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