*THE LOST CHILDREN CHARITY ANTHOLOGY* is a powerful collection of 30 stories about children at high risk. All proceeds go to 2 charities who specialize in helping these cases.
E-book costs $2.99 and can be sent to your kindle, or as a PDF, or various other ways via smashwords.
Please support this most worthy cause. Please tell your friends and relatives.
Other Ordering Options: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/99495
For those who might not know,as I didn't, you can download Kindle free to your PC or MAC.
Um, yes, you can do that. But the point of the anthology is to raise money for these 2 important charities. So please spend the $2.99 and support the charities.
Susan, what David meant was that you can download software for free that allows you to read Kindle books on your computer.
You still have to buy the books, so he's not suggesting you can actually get Lost Children for free.
See, JLD, that's why we (I) need you here. My deepest apology to David for my dumbness.