Forum / Amazing Story by Marcus Speh

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    Susan Tepper
    Oct 02, 10:34pm

    Marcus Speh has written a most affecting and existential story which is now at Pure Slush LATEST, and titled: "The Serious Writer and his Mother."
    Truly not to be missed story!

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    Kathy Fish
    Oct 03, 02:40pm

    Love his Serious Writer stories. Will get over to read this one, thanks for the heads up, Susan.

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    Marcus Speh
    Oct 03, 04:48pm

    Thank you, Susan. This is a rather personal story. The original is longer. For the purpose of this serious writer medley, matt potter has expertly edited me back to basics & tightened these pieces considerably. i'm grateful to him & to all readers & commenters. as is the serious writer, whose "<a href="">last story</a>" just appeared at atticus review.

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    Ann Bogle
    Oct 10, 02:08pm

    I agree with Susan and Kathy that this is a gratifying read. Thanks, Matt Potter, for grouping the stories. I loved reading the serious writer voice again.

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