Forum / Latest Horizon Review

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    W.F. Lantry
    Sep 27, 07:38pm

    Hey, folks,

    Up today, the latest issue of Horizon Review, with my poem Periplus (a periplus is a kind of map, drawn with words rather than graphics). Also in this issue: Ernest Hilbert, Linda Black, Carrie Etter, Caleb Klaces, Michelle McGrane, Ian Parks, Sheenagh Pugh, Todd Swift. Also: fiction, art, translations (of Ito, Mandelstam, a new take on Gawain). Katy Evans-Bush edits. It's worth a read!



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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Sep 27, 08:59pm

    Bill, had no idea what a periplus was. How interesting. I love it. Form, language and descriptions.

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    Susan Tepper
    Sep 27, 11:08pm

    Lovely Bill. Your work has your stamp and it's always full of beauty.

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