Forum / new virtual writers forum for workshopping

  • Flawntnewsmall.thumb
    Finnegan Flawnt
    Jan 23, 06:40am

    "Virtual Writers, Inc.", a group of writers with one leg in second life, has got a new website up at

    including a blog to which i contribute irregularly, at

    and a forum where writers can put pieces for (password protected) workshopping purposes (for registered users only), at

    i am moderating the 'flash fiction workshop' there - a new experience for me and enjoyable so far.

    the simple bulletin board structure of the forum is well suited to presenting your work for discussion. no social networking distractions of any kind will obstruct the clear view on your ability and skill.

  • Butt_butt.thumb
    Summer Robinson
    Jan 23, 12:00pm

    Can anyone join? May we re-post stories from elsewhere (like here)? I could probably get than info by clicking through... so I will!

  • Flawntnewsmall.thumb
    Finnegan Flawnt
    Jan 23, 12:09pm

    yes, anyone can join. stories in the workshop area are NOT considered published and, the way it looks right now, will receive close reading and merciless slapping as well as enthusiastic welcomes...a little like i suppose, without most of the garnish. hope to see you there, summer.

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