
valentinedaymassacre244x390If you were around a year ago, you’ll remember the first Fictionaut Valentine’s Day challenge: post a love story — and stay out of Al Capone’s way. Stories were tagged “valentine” and can still be found in the archives.

Now, with another Valentine’s Day looming, the first Valentine Day Massacre is available as a beautiful chapbook from Červená Barva Press, edited by Susan Tepper. For $7, you get stories from (deep breath): Doug Bond, Angela Brett, Estelle Bruno, Sheldon Lee Compton, Sara T. Einhorn, David Erlewine, Susan Gibb, Frank Hinton, Matt Kang, Dorothee Lang, Ryan McDermott, John Minichillo, Kevin Paul Myrick, Nora Nadjarian, Ajay Nair, Gabriel Orgrease, Derek Osborne, Meg Pokrass, Sam Rasnake, Beate Sigriddaughter, Marcus Speh, Paul Steven Stone, Miles Tepper, Susan Tepper, and xTx. What’s not to love?

Even better, there’s a new massacre underway now in the Valentine Day group. Join and add your stories, “soft, edgy, sweet, or bitter,” by February 14.

  1. susan tepper

    Jurgen, this is a sweet valentine shout-out for the Valentine Day Massacre chapbook, many thanks from me & publisher Gloria Mindock! Yes, it’s an all-star line-up of Fictionaut Writers!

  2. Sheldon Lee Compton

    Can only say I’m so grateful to have been included in this effort. Many thanks to those who made the chapbook possible and to those who continue to promote its publication. And, of course, to Fictionaut, where the stories that would eventually make up the chap climbed from the boiling sea and took in those first rays of sunlight here last year.

  3. Robert Vaughan

    Looks like a great line-up. I am excited to get a copy when they are available. Thanks Gloria and Susan for putting this together. And Jurgen for posting this.

  4. Erik

    I’m actually quite interested to see how this book is going to turn out. I wonder how well this will sell.

  5. susan tepper

    @ Rob: Cervena Barva Press is selling the chapbook now, it’s on their site if you click here.

    @ Erik: The only way to find out is to get one! It came out fabulous and it’s only 7 dollars!

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