Archive for the 'Fictionaut Five' Category

Aqueous Books came to me in a dream (no really, it did) as if it was meant to be. [Read more]

   Checking in with Glass Coin
   Fictionaut Five: Kyle Hemmings
   Fictionauts Who Tweet

What really drives me to write is the haunting sense of an unlived life and an even more haunting sense of the one I’ve lived. [Read more]

   Fictionauts Who Tweet
   Checking in With 55 Words

At the risk of sounding corny, Fictionaut has changed my life. [Read more]

   Luna Digest, 8/10
   Checking in With JHU MA Group

Never before have artists had more tools available to them to reach their audience and create new markets for their work. [Read more]

   Luna Digest, 8/3
   Checking in With Oil

Meg Pokrass: Okla-can you tell us about your “unusual” path to becoming a poet and writer? Mine was an early life in theater, and I love to learn how people find their eventual thing. And in your case, things! Clearly, you wear many creative hats… Okla Elliott: It’s hard to trace these sorts of developments, […]

I was creative for about 15 minutes in 1987. Unfortunately, I didn’t write anything down, and now it’s gone. Everyone I know is more creative than me. [Read more]

   Luna Digest, 7/20
   Checking In with Rose Metal Press

The writers who really grab me are do the unexpected. I really enjoy experiments with form, like Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves; experiments with voice, like Joshua Ferris’s Then We Came to the End; experiments with lyric, like Mary Gaitskill’s Veronica and Carole Maso’s The American Woman in the Chinese Hat. [Read more]

   Luna Digest, 7/13
   Line Breaks: “Coping Stones” by Ann Beattie
   Fictionaut Faves, 7/11
   Checking in with SF & Fantasy
   Fictionaut Five: Marcy Dermansky

I started this book with an image of that first scene in the bath tub, Marie, her large breasts, a glass of whiskey, that little girl. I sat down to type and there came that first sentence: Sometimes, Marie got a little drunk at work. [Read more]

   Luna Digest, 7/6
   Fictionaut Five: Matthew Salesses
   Checking in With Original, Unpublished Fiction

I had these shadowy characters full of pent-up anger or sadness or missingness–longing–and I knew there was something that explained this. I had this obsession that I was avoiding. So I started letting my life into theirs, and their desires and problems became much clearer, and in the process I became clearer to myself. [Read more]

   Checking in With Original, Unpublished Fiction
   Luna Digest, 6/30
   Fictionaut Faves, 6/28

It’s difficult to escape childhood stuff — the family of origin, the childhood fears, the specter of religion. I’ve been thinking a lot about death, about how time reduces possibility, about class inequities, about how our walled-off interior lives and competing agendas make it difficult for us to connect with one another. [Read more]

   Luna Digest, 6/22
   Fictionaut Faves, 6/21. Two for Cherise Wolas
   Checking in with The Literary Platform


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