Stories tagged story

Something to Say

570570 views6060 comments2929 favs

He didn't listen, then closed his book.

Out of the Valley

5656 views11 comment00 favs

Megan Collier clutched the metal sill of her window, torn between fear and intrigue. Though not her first film expedition, it was her first trip to the African continent. Seasoned and well-paid, this crew had weathered precarious situations before. The dr

Lips unsealed

930930 views00 comments00 favs

They had a vague idea of how lips were to be used. Lips that parted feverishly, lips that burned. Lips - old, but still amateur. It was no wonder, considering that 'boys from good families' would never dream of even looking at a woman, let alone kiss her!

Dandelion Ghosts

5454 views77 comments55 favs

I pulled a lot of weeds that summer, but I also made a lot of wishes. I tear up another check and make a wish.

A Walk in the Dark

3333 views00 comments00 favs

Eleanor smiled, knowing it was too dark for him to see it. “I am not out here by choice, having both faculties to think and the will to use them,” she said, coolly. “While I do not wish to meet these infamous replies, it is illogical to stand in one sp

First Lesson (Mother Tongue Series)

927927 views33 comments11 fav

I used to see kids at the mall with those extendable "kid leashes". Like the ones made for chihuahuas. Like the ones made to squash a good story, you know...

Looking For Olivia

467467 views11 comment11 fav

Through a curtain of dark hair only part of the girl's face could be seen. Her expression embodied a reticent sort of tolerance.

A Christmas Surprise

12091209 views11 comment11 fav

"John is going to love it when he finds out that it pees," Bobby said. Kelly laughed and dropped a towel on the floor.

Blind Melon No Rain

286286 views11 comment11 fav

He was making the beer without me. We were supposed to be getting ready for a Halloween party. I'd spent the entire weekend fidgeting with my…


2020 views00 comments00 favs

It rains diamonds on Neptune, Zoe reminds herself. She knots her face and clamps her hands on her thighs, the better to ponder the impossible through the streaked windows of the bus. A small bird bounces off the glass, and Zoe looks back at it twitching on the…

(7) Plus and Minus

16051605 views11 comment11 fav

"Her actions in the city seemed invariably designed to destroy that person, which she’d worked so hard all her life to become."

The Long Unhappy Resurrection of Mr. Jankiel Jameson

4141 views66 comments22 favs

Alive! he thinks. A miracle! I’m alive!

The Majesties

12941294 views00 comments00 favs

When the scrapbook came out this time, I noticed a photo I hadn't seen before, the Baroness with her arm around the waist of Princess Diana. A lavish display of blooms towered behind them. "Did you know her?" the florist asked.

Stories from the War

13061306 views11 comment11 fav

He didn’t know how to tell his story. It wasn’t an easy story to tell. There certainly was a clear beginning, but it didn’t make much sense to start at the beginning. There was no way to end the story either; the ending seemed to last forever.

the snake charmer

993993 views22 comments11 fav

God forbid you should break one of the camps precious “rules,” which were more or less like the Ten F'ing Commandments around there.