Alphabetical stories

Autumn Offering

17361736 views88 comments55 favs

You may gather from me the spring of my youth

Avatar Of Chaos

13161316 views55 comments55 favs

He has one good eye and is missing the other. The socket of his missing eye squints with a disturbing and unfathomable insight.

Ave Maria: Part 6

857857 views00 comments00 favs

“I swear that man is a force of nature.” This was her mother's way of describing her father whenever her mother came too close to the precipice. While growing up, she could never allow herself to fully acknowledge the meaning behind her mother's…

Avec le Corps de Ballet du Boston Celtiques

885885 views00 comments00 favs

A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Also a thing with bodacious knockers.


15401540 views1313 comments33 favs

I am a 33 year old drag queen, and I frequently confuse my dreams with reality. Each morning, I awake to a research project: what has actually occurred, and what was a dream? Today I woke up believing I'd lost a pound, so I weighed myself, and I was right.…

Avoid Anything With an Ism

716716 views55 comments33 favs

Communism Capitalism Gism or Gysm, either way Avoid anything with an Ism Catholicism Botulism Socialism Skepticism If its got an Ism in it Avoid it, okay? (Advice for our newborn daughter) Avoidalism is okay Though So you c

Awaiting the End of Time

10421042 views1414 comments88 favs

The alphabets will disappear.

Awaiting What the Afternoon May Bring

12351235 views1212 comments1010 favs

Another siege/ with kamikaze fervor.

Awaken Sleepy Star

15001500 views88 comments77 favs

Don't sleep. Tiny orange Balloons like seahorses are bobbing This way and that trying To get your hair to lift Off its marvelously mud- Swamped and pillowy support beams, blue sea strand by green. Don't you want to see…


11711171 views11 comment11 fav

What? No, no, where did my world go? I was in the middle of… something. What's going on? What's stroking my face?


10951095 views00 comments00 favs

I was awakened by a disturbing dream. He was no longer with me and I felt afraid. Everything was cloudy, almost blurry. I couldn't see much in front of me, but I knew for sure he wasn't there with me. Then he said the words I feared the most “I don't love you.…

Award Season

883883 views11 comment11 fav

I made the List!


17701770 views1919 comments1111 favs

Nobody has been able to use the washer and dryer for over a month now. Our neighbors have gone laundry crazy. They've become suds-a-holics. They wash everything. If it isn't nailed down, they wash it. Outboard engines, peculiar feelings, dominatrix boots, metaphors,…

Away From the River

916916 views88 comments77 favs

Tiny poem


722722 views00 comments00 favs

I’ve really had it up to here with people who say “awesome” of things that don’t inspire awe.


12051205 views44 comments33 favs

You think about the first time you saw an axe

Axiology and Semantics: Expiration Dates

11661166 views55 comments55 favs

In my seriousness I am not making the case that none of “this” (our contemporaneity, our historical moment) “matters”.